
A good portrait captures the personality of the person or group in the picture in a unique and eye-catching way. At , we know how to bring out the best in the people we photograph.


You'll immediately appreciate the experience and skill of our friendly staff. Whether you're an individual, a couple or a group, we'll make you feel comfortable, and your confidence and ease will show in your photographs. You can even bring your pet in for the session!

Sample portraits


If you want a professional headshot, you need a professional photographer. Whether you're a model, entertainer or executive, our high-quality headshots are a sound investment in your professional image.

Passport photographs

We have all the equipment in-store to guarantee that your passport photographs meet the strict new EU regulations for passport photographs while making you look good. This photo will identify you for the next ten years after all!


We provide these photos pre-cut and in a range of formats. You can even take this photo away with you in various sizes on a CD or pen drive so that you can use it any time you need to upload a mug-shot.

Contact us




Anduze, FRANCE  


Mobile: 07983537578 07983537578

For Text , Voice & Voicemail


E-mail: info@digitaleye.co

Book a session

To book your session now, give us a call or fill in our online form.


We take great pride in our ability to create world-class photography.

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